Assignments through Teams
In EYFS we use OneNote as a way of modelling and sharing during our learning sessions. This is used in the classroom and via learning sessions through Teams. The teacher models a concept and children are able to add in their ideas and model their way of thinking. Staff and pupils can work together on a piece of work and instant feedback can be given.
Children can also work independently on a task on OneNote or other program. Children engage well with their learning and often want more activities to try!
These activities are also set as an assignment in a class’ channel on Teams. Pupils access these from school or home and then hand in their work via the assignment tab in Teams, all work in one place!
Feedback is given via the feedback box or directly on the work if completed on an Office 365 file. Using assignments allows staff to set tasks (with all relevant resources) with ease, track work that is handed in, give feedback and identify pupils that may need support. This happens on a daily basis.