Action Plans
We strive to equip our pupils with skills for the future with a drive to develop the use of technology for learning across all subjects to better prepare our children for the demands of the 21st century workplace, with the belief that effective use of technology in lessons enhances and extends student learning.
It is key that we ensure our children are 'life-ready' and not simply 'work ready' by delivering a personalised learning approach with strong foundations in social and emotional skills through developing a growth mindset.
Action Plan 2023/24
Digital Transformation Action Plan 2022/23
Time Scale
Intended Outcomes
Monitoring Process |
Evaluation of Impact |
Develop the 'Hybrid approach' so pupils are using books and Class Notebook in unity |
Ongoing |
KS2 Teachers |
Laptops OneNote |
Pupils to have digital portfolios alongside books in English |
Information will be added to our Microsoft Application by SLT |
Teaching staff, teaching assistants and admin to be MIE Experts. |
July 2023 |
Deputy Principal |
Time given to upskill TAs |
Pupils will apply and be successful at becoming an MIEE |
Certificates will be given to individuals and recorded centrally. |
Host 2 x Showcase Academy Events to promote the use of Microsoft Tools to others | July 2023 | Principal | All teachers and SLT | Be a flagship school for using Microsoft Tools | Events will take place with positive feedback |
4 |
Digital Transformation Action Plan 2021/22
Time Scale
Intended Outcomes
Monitoring Process |
Evaluation of Impact |
All pupils in Year 6, Year 5 and Year 4 to continue to use OneNote as their digital portfolio of learning |
Ongoing |
KS2 Teachers |
Laptops OneNote |
Pupils to have digital portfolios instead of traditonal books |
Information will be added to our Microsoft Application by SLT |
This is happening in Year 3-6 |
Upskill Teaching Assistants so they are competent at using Sway and Flipgrid as well as Microsoft Office Tools. |
Ongoing |
Microsoft Trainers to hold training sessions during INSET days |
TAs should complete at least one session a month on the MEC. |
Pupils will be highly skilled with Microsoft products |
Deputy Principal to meet termly regarding progress. |
This has been achieve and all staff are competent at all of these |
Teaching staff, teaching assistants and admin to be MIE Experts. |
July 2022 |
Deputy Principal |
Time given to upskill TAs |
Pupils will apply and be successful at becoming an MIEE |
Certificates will be given to individuals and recorded centrally. |
All teachers have applied as this has been part of a lesson reflection task study whole school. Some support staff have applied. |
Hold one Microsoft Training Academy Events |
Dec, Jan, April, July |
Principal |
Principal to be released for four days. |
Shared best practise with other schools. |
Events will be held |
SK presented at a Showcase School Development Workshop hosted by Microsoft |
To have 3 Microsoft Trainers in the academy |
Sonia Jen Sami |
Complete the Microsoft Trainer Training |
We will have 3 verified Microsoft Trainer. |
We will all train 100 people or more to become a verified Microsoft Trainer. |
JJ, SK, RF, LB and SG
We have 5. |
10 members of teaching staff to complete the Microsoft Certified Educator Exam |
July |
Sonia Lou Sami Shama Saffi Carly Alan Alex Cheryl Riz |
Natasha Epton will hold the exam. |
We will have 10 staff who will hold the Microsoft Certified Educator Exam |
Exam will be passed |
19 have passed the MCE Exam
3 Members of staff to complete the Microsoft Office Specialist Exam |
July |
Explore the STEM specialist exam |
We will have three Microsoft Specialists in STEM |
Exam to be passed |
To carry on until next year as 2 members have attempted but have yet to |
Create peer coaching and mentoring groups to develop consistent practice across the academy |
Ongoing |
All teachers |
After conducting a capability questionnaire, we will have a peer coaching and mentoring group for use EdTech |
To have consistent excellent practise of using Microsoft Tools across the academy rather than pockets |
Excellent practise |
New staff have been directed to more experienced staff.
Coaching model rolled out in April 2021 with weekly sessions. |
Increase whole staff engagement in to devising future action planning for our digital transformation |
September |
All staff |
Staff engage in hands on collaborative STEM activities.
Staff engage in the writing of this document |
Whole staff buy-in |
All staff fully understand where we are on the journey to Showcase Schools |
This document and the SCS application has been written collaboratively.
Forms surveys completed. |
Continue to build the 5 C's into weekly staff meetings sharing good practise and identifying pockets of staff who require further training. |
Ongoing |
Principal |
The class of 2030 and life learning: The technology imperative (article)
Transforming education ebook- specifically the chapters on the importance of future ready skills.
Staff meeting time for sharing ideas and training.
Staff engage in hands on collaborative STEM activities.
Increased use of tools to support personalised learning approaches.
Teachers consider the 5c's at planning stage to drive learning
Staff share excellent practice and use coaching to improve teaching. |
Staff have developed knowledge of 21CLD
Staff development point develop to advanced skills rather than the basic use of MS tools |
Golden Nugget channel on All Staff Teas channel which shares good practice.
Computer Lead delivered drop in workshops.
21 Century Learning Design has been used in 2 staff meetings as well as upskilling staff through morning briefings.
Documents shared in staff meetings.
Microsoft Forms taken to see next steps with training.
Participate in the WE Schools movement |
From November |
Deputy Principal and SENDCO |
Staff Meeting
DP speak to The Beeches to gain an understanding |
WE Schools movement is embedded across the academy |
Hold charity events. |
Deputy Principal has collaborated with another school.
Autumn Term, Year 5 made dream catchers and sold them with the profits going to a local charity
Children in Need
Race for Life |
Organise a school science fair |
July |
STEM leads (Science and Computing)
STEM equipment
STEM is high profile |
Event shared online through Social Media. |
Took place |