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Early Years Foundation Stage

At Newark Hill Academy, we pride ourselves on our Early Years provision.  We are aware that when a child starts school, this can be a rather daunting time for the child and their families.  To ease this transition our friendly and experienced teachers and teaching assistants will do all that we can to ensure that the process is easy, positive and enjoyable.

This will follow on from what your child would have accessed in their nursery or pre-school.  Lessons are taught using a range of individual, group and whole class methods.  In Early Years we have an enabling environment allowing pupils to develop and learn in different ways, experiencing activities at their own pace ensuring the needs of all are met.

We observe children as they play, interacting with others through planned activities and daily routines, allowing them to learn through play, problem solve, adapt, be independent or ask for help.  The opportunities offered will enable each child to grow in confidence, encourage critical thinking, active learning, develop relationships with others, celebrate how they are unique and embrace similarities and differences between themselves and others.


Our curriculum is based upon 7 broad areas of learning, which are split into prime and specific areas.

The Prime Areas

Personal, Social and Emotional Development – pupils will develop these skills gaining confidence and self-awareness, the ability to manage their own feelings, be aware of and follow the behaviour expectations, form positive relationships with others.

Communication and Language – pupils will learn and develop their listening, understanding and speaking skills.

Physical Development - Developing both fine and gross motor skills, coordination and positional awareness.  Learning how to keep healthy and safe.

The specific areas

Literacy – Pupils will learn letters and sounds through daily phonics lessons, learning the skills to read and write, both common and irregular words.  Pupils will read simple sentences and demonstrate understanding about what they have read.  Pupils will be able to write simple sentences using their phonic knowledge to write words.

Mathematics – We will be counting to and from 20, recognising numerals and their values.  Pupils will be aware of what number is one more or less than a given number.  Pupils will understand simple addition and subtraction number sentences and be aware of doubling and halving.  We will explore; shape, money, time, weight, capacity.

Understanding of the World – Pupils will learn about the world and community around them, sharing their own knowledge of their families and traditions.  We will learn about different cultures, beliefs, countries noticing similarities and differences.  Pupils will make observations on plants and animals, noticing seasonal changes. 

Expressive Arts and Design - Pupils will explore a range of different music genres, using instruments and dance and creating their own songs.  Different techniques will be used in art and design; pupils can create their own artwork.  Various construction equipment is available for pupils to design and build their own creations.  Imaginative role play and story re-telling opportunities and props are available.



This is what we have been learning about and the experiences we have had:

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Our Early Years Lead is Mrs Davitt.