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At the Newark Hill Academy, CHILD is at the heart of our enquiry based curriculum.


We challenge our pupils to recognise and achieve their full learning potential in Computing, with the development of computational thinking and creativity to understand and impact a changing world. We provide pupils with problem solving skills and logical reasoning to build on and succeed in their chosen career path for the future. We ensure we meet the need of all of our learners, including pupils with SEND.




We ensure happiness and health in Computing by promoting the need for balance between online and offline. We embed online safety into everyday learning, encouraging our pupils to seek help and providing a range of ways to communicate their needs.




Our children will be inspired by exploring the benefits of computing and experiencing a wide range of technology. From learning basic computer processing skills to coding virtual worlds and traveling around the world using virtual reality.




We equip our pupils with lifelong learning in Computing, building the foundation of skills to build on for the future. We encourage our children to be creative and adaptable, preparing them for the technology and careers that are yet to be created.




We celebrate diversity in Computing, recognising a variety of people, from different cultures and backgrounds, who have contributed to the development of technology worldwide. We encourage our pupils to break down stereotypes and recognise the individual and unique contributions they can make to the community.



At Newark Hill Academy we strive to provide a high-quality computing education that equips our pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and impact a changing world. Our approach is to integrate computing skills and learning into all lessons: the use of laptops and other hardware such as cameras and iPads are as much part of our learning tools as pencils and pens. Although laptops are available across the school, every child in Key Stage 2 has their own personal laptop to aid and develop their learning. 

The use of virtual reality allows our pupils to explore the world on a new level and broaden their experiences while expanding their creativity. Computing supports learning in all areas of the curriculum including Lego robotics to create science experiments and mimic real-life problems. Minecraft Edu allows our children to create, play, learn throughout the curriculum as well as coding. 

Pupils progress their computer coding skills from exploration in early years, to following and creating simple algorithms in Key Stage 1, through to more complex coding and building of small robotics in Key Stage 2. Alongside teaching computer science we also ensure our pupils have good knowledge and skills using Microsoft programs to ensure our pupils are best prepared for future careers.    

We teach computing using the ‘Teach Computing’ Scheme of work. This uses a spiral based curriculum meaning that themes are revisited regularly to consolidate and build on prior learning. Although we teach online safety in discrete lessons, it is also taught regularly in everyday situations and across subjects to ensure pupils learn how to use technology safely and respectfully, particularly focusing on the safe use of the Internet. Pupils are taught to keep personal information private and identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet. 

STEM is encouraged outside of lessons through weekly clubs like the Online Safety Cadets (OSC) and in competitions such as the Lego League and Junior Lego League. Through these clubs and competitions our pupils explore the impact of technology in the local environment and consider how it can be used to create a sustainable world. Trips such as Year 3’s trip to Think Tank explores the development of technology and workshops including Lego We Do 2.0 to further expand their experience of coding. 


By the end of KS1, pupils will have developed logical reasoning to predict the actions instructed by a code and debug simple programs. They will begin to use technology for a range of purposes to create and present information. Pupils will recognise the need to use technology safely particularly keeping personal information private.  

By the end of KS2, pupils will use their logical reasoning to create their own complex algorithms using sequences and variables. They will select a range of software and devices to collect, analyse evaluate and present data. Pupils will recognise how to behave responsibly online and recognise the possible consequences of online sharing and spending too much time online.  


National Curriculum Computing Programmes of Study:

Our Computing Coordinators are Miss Jensen and Miss Bowler

See the documents attached for Planning and Progression of Skills in Computing.