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Religious Education


At Newark Hill Academy we have implemented the Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education since 2018 which was launched by Cambridgeshire County Council, approved by the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE). This is the legal basis for Religious Education in Peterborough. We at NHA have devised our own Syllabus in terms of a long-term plan in accordance with our pupils’ diverse backgrounds within our local community. We have created a curriculum to promote diversity and respect towards different religious, cultural and social values from EYFS to Year 6 and to further our pupil’s understanding of living in harmony as part of a multi-cultural society.

We aim to develop positive attitudes of respect towards other people who hold views and beliefs different from their own, living in a society of diverse religions. Our pupils will also develop their own beliefs and values. We do not convert or steer pupils towards a religious’ belief. They will also be aware that some people have no attachment to religious beliefs and follow secular philosophies which are equally acceptable.  


Religious Education is taught on a weekly basis with the skills coverage from the AT1 and AT2 Statements. Each year group map out their journey for the academic year by composing open ended ‘BIG QUESTIONS’ for pupils to try and answer at the beginning of the learning journey and towards the end to measure what they have learnt. Teachers carefully plan cross-curricular sessions to develop pupil’s knowledge and understanding of worldly religions such as Christianity followed by other religions. Here at NHA we deliver up to 60% of teaching Christianity and 40% of other worldly religions, such as Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism and Buddhism.

   Celebrating Harvest Festival

We make great links within our community as we are fortunate enough to plan visits to St Mary’s Church and work alongside Reverend Michael to enable our pupils to have the first-hand experience of looking at the physical features of a church and ask questions to pique their curiosity. They can engage in conversations which enables them to answer their arising questions about how Christians practice their faith. Alongside this, we, pupils and parents traditionally find visits from Reverend Michael to host our Harvest Assembly immensely pleasurable as we are enlightened by his vast knowledge and purpose of Harvest. 

         Celebrating Chinese New Year 

We at NHA, also promote and celebrate other religious festivals within our community. We have a diverse range of pupils from different religious backgrounds and faiths. Therefore, it is important that we provide a range of opportunities for our pupils to experience celebrations such as Diwali, Christmas, Chinese New Year and Eid. Our pupils thrive from these experiences as they can make connections and links to their faiths and respect one another.


Pupils will have a secure knowledge of the people, stories and traditions that influence beliefs and values practices and ways of life, forms of expressing meaning, identity, diversity and belonging, meaning purpose and truth, values and commitment. They will achieve this through asking and exploring a range of answers to questions about life, individuals and society.

By the end of the academic year, each year group will be assessed to measure pupil working towards, at age related or working above age-related referring to the AT1 and AT2 descriptors. In order to make this judgement, teachers will track progression in learning on a termly basis to monitor pupil achievements and to address any gaps.

Click below to find out more on the Planning and Progression of Skills in our 

Religious Education Curriculum Overview

Our RE Coordinator is Mrs Twell


Parental Right to Withdraw from Religious Education (RE)

We respect the rights of parents and carers regarding their child’s education. Under current legislation, parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of Religious Education (RE) lessons. This includes activities related to Religious Education that do not form part of the statutory National Curriculum.

If you wish to exercise this right, we ask that you inform the school in writing, detailing whether you are withdrawing your child from all or specific parts of the RE curriculum. We are happy to discuss any concerns you may have and provide further information to help you make an informed decision.


See the documents attached for Planning and Progression of Skills in RE.