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At the Newark Hill Academy, CHILD is at the heart of our enquiry based curriculum..


We challenge our pupils to think deep and to ask challenging questions of themselves and others. We ensure we meet the need of all of our learners, including pupils with SEND.





We ensure health and happiness by teaching healthy lifestyles and fostering child well-being. Children are taught how to stay safe and where to go for help.





Our children are inspired to become role models and successful members of society.





We equip our pupils with lifelong learning skills by definition of the subject: Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education and promoting its importance in all aspects of academy life and life outside of the academy.




We actively celebrate diversity, giving children the opportunity to discover and discuss current moral and cultural issues, supported by a wide range of resources e.g. engaging reading books.




At Newark Hill Academy, Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) and Relationships education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. PSHE and Relationships Education supports the wider work of the academy to foster wellbeing and to develop resilience of character that we know are fundamental to pupils being happy, successful and productive members of society. We have these three values that encompass this:

The intent at Newark Hill Academy for PSHE education is to create a programme that reflects the needs of the children, and to provide the experiences, knowledge and skills to develop positive role models, who can make excellent contributions to the wider community now and in the future. Our PSHE education curriculum has been created using our knowledge of the individual children in our setting, and also our understanding of the local area. This means that it is personalised and as a result, has the biggest and most positive impact. Children are growing up in an increasingly complex world and living their lives seamlessly on and offline. It is vital that the PSHE and Relationships Education intent meets current and evolving needs.

At Newark Hill Academy, children learn to be safe and healthy and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.  Children are given key building blocks of healthy, respectful relationships focusing on family and friendships in all contexts including online. Subject content is age and developmentally appropriate and taught sensitively and inclusively with respect to the many different backgrounds and beliefs in the academy. The PSHE and Relationship Education programmes work closely together with our ICT, Science, PE and Skill Builders programmes.

Our Pupils Well-Being and Readiness for Learning Agenda is a theme that is driven throughout everything we do.

Our PSHE and Relationships Education programme aims to equip children with a sound understanding of themselves, the family in which they belong and their place in the wider community. In the first term of the academic year, the Year One children go on a walk of the local area surrounding the school. This provides an opportunity for the children to take notice of what is local to their home and school, and always generates fantastic discussion between the children as they discover their experiences of these places are similar. The PSHE education seeks to explore the behaviours, thoughts and feelings felt by individuals and how they can all be managed. We are aware that as children get older, they begin to recognise intensities of emotion in themselves. Across the academy, we use Lego-heads to create dialogue with the children about their emotions and how they can be appropriately managed. We give the children the knowledge to be able to make informed choices in relation to their own lifestyles — for example, diet, exercise and relationships. We intend to develop tolerant, respectful, law-abiding young people. The children in Year 4 have the opportunity to attend the Metro Bank, to get an insight into the value of money. This concept forms the foundation for understanding spending, sharing and saving, which will support the children to make sensible financial decisions in the future.

Year 1 using the metaphor of bubbles to explore their emotions.


The PSHE and Relationship Education lessons at Newark Hill Academy are designed using the Cambridgeshire PSHE service’s frameworks and toolkits. They support the teachers in planning personalised, flexible PSHE education lessons weekly, over the course of the school academic year. There are four core themes, and each enable us to develop our pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding — Myself & My Relationships, Citizenship, Economic Well-being and Healthy & Safer Lifestyles. Relationships Education covers the key areas of families and people who care for me, caring friendships, respectful relationships, online relationships and being safe. The PSHE education lead at Newark Hill Academy oversees the lessons that the teachers have placed into the Medium Term Plans, to ensure the progression of skills is clear across school. All teachers are able to justify their choice of PSHE education lessons, and on occasions where teachers feel it necessary to teach about a certain issue as a result of a problem arisen in their own class, the PSHE education lead supports them.

The assemblies that take place daily at Newark Hill Academy often cover PSHE topics which allows matters to be revisited, and as a result extended thinking and expanded knowledge within the children. In the autumn term, we celebrate Harvest, in the classroom and in assembly, to acknowledge all the food grown on local land. We are aware of families who use the local food banks, and use Harvest as an opportunity to provide for them, whilst teaching the children about different occupations and how their lives differ from others. The Reception children have the opportunity to attend a workshop organised by Kids Country where they learn the importance of homegrown foods, and begin to develop an understanding of a healthy, balanced diet.

NSPCC came to work with our children about speaking up about abuse. 

Teachers are encouraged to invite visitors into school, such as personnel from the emergency services, to support the pupils’ understanding of the diverse roles within society which in turn will stimulate the children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural curiosity. The children in Key Stage Two take part in a ‘What’s My Line’ assembly where they have the task of working out what five the occupation of five visitors are. The aim of this activity is to raise aspirations in the young people at Newark Hill Academy and also help the children understand the link between learning and their futures. The assembly also attempts to diminish stereotypes linked to occupations.

The children from Reception to Year Six are voted for and arranged into mixed age ‘Leaders across the school’ groups for school council and sports leaders. These roles help to create opportunities for the children to develop their leadership skills. Pupil voice is valued and promoted at Newark Hill Academy and having ‘Leaders across the school’ gives the children a platform to share their views to help shape the schools' development.

Being responsible for our Academy dog Margot



At Newark Hill Academy, our PSHE education lessons enable our children to become healthy, independent and responsible citizens within society. The children will have an understanding of their own personal development, and a good understanding of the moral, social and cultural issues that will play a part in their childhood and adulthood. Using a growth mindset strategy, the children will become resilient, emotionally intelligent learners, knowledgeable for the future.

National Curriculum PSHE programmes of Study


Our PSHE Coordinator is Mrs Okiperi

See the documents attached for Planning and Progression of Skills in PSHE.