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Reconnection from COVID

Our Re-connection Curriculum

During the national lockdowns, we taught at least 3 lessons a day to our pupils.  Click to see our offer  As we deliver our curriculum through a thematic approach lots of the knowledge from all areas of the curriculum was able to being taught.  The practical elements were more challenging and needed to be consider on return.

Following our full return to school on Monday 8th March, adjustments have been made to our provision for the period leading up to the Easter break and for the Summer Term. These focus on:

  • Ensuring that our pupils are fully supported with their social and emotional needs.
    • Daily ‘emotion' check in with pupils and reteaching our Zones Lego Heads system.
    • Whole school delivery of the PiXL Return from Lockdown Well-being package to support pupils.
    • Increased PSHE discussion time in classes – providing opportunities to talk, express their feelings and connect and support each other.
    • Close monitoring of pupils to ensure pastoral support for individuals was provided, as required.
  • Adapting the curriculum content
    • Staff teams used their knowledge of pupil engagement during the lockdown period to inform their future plans – these have been adapted to reflect the learning that was missed, not covered by all pupils and what can be linked with other areas of learning.
    • An informative assessment period of 3 weeks from 8th March until the end of Spring 1 took place to identify areas with gaps and pupils who will need targeted intervention.
    • All Early Years and Key Stage 1 completed a phonics assessment and the learning delivered to the different levels within each year group.
    • 'Our Wonderful Curriculum' document and Medium-Term Planning was analysed by teams to ensure all planned curriculum content was covered.  The untaught elements, mostly practical learning activities, were written in to a Summer Term 1 Action Plan to provide a clear summary of gaps of coverage, during and following the lockdown period with areas to be addressed.
    • Internal data capture by the 27th May 2021 to find the gaps of knowledge and focus on the key priorities to ensure pupils are prepared to start the next year group in September.  This will be a Summer 2 Action Plan of a 7-week block to secure the key skills needed.  This is using the 'Ready to Progress' NCETM documents for maths and PiXL Priority Checklist for English. 
    • The staff team understand the importance of a clear sequence of learning. They build the planned learning steps on the needs of their pupils and adapt these, as required, for individuals. Interventions are provided to pupils who need additional support to maximise their potential, whatever their ability level.
    • Our pupils with identified SEND needs have had their IEP (Individual Educational Plans) reviewed and amended so ensure that these reflect their current requirements.
    • Academy leaders recognised that speaking and listening, vocabulary and writing would be a priority area.
  • Catch Up Plan
    • This was implemented to maximise the impact of the additional funding provided by the DfE. This plan is available on the Academy website here.