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Online Safety


The online world develops and changes constantly with new opportunities, challenges and risks appearing all the time, as a result Online Safety is an essential part of our children’s education and is embedded in our children’s everyday learning. We recognise that it is difficult to keep up with new apps, trends, platforms and their related threats, therefore at Newark Hill Academy we focus on both knowledge and online behaviours, striving to guide our children to be respectful and responsible members of our online community, with the tools to protect themselves.

While we teach our children to find a healthy and safe balance with technology, we also work with our parents and carers to improve their knowledge of Online Safety. We also provide access to support and guidance through our Parent Zone page to help parents and carers keep up to date with current risks and concerns, so we can together keep our children safe.

See our Parents Zone for information and guidance on Online Safety at home.

Also check out our Children’s Zone for Online Safety games and activities.



Through PSHE and Computing lessons we provide our children with the tools to better protect themselves online and use positive online behaviours. Our children are accessing a range of technology in and out of school, on a daily basis, with regular access to online content, so our teachers make it a part of their everyday teaching practise to model and encourage online safety and positive online behaviours. We also promote Online Safety through regular school and class assemblies each term and participate in national events such as Internet Safety Day and Anti-Bully Week to promote online safety. 

Most importantly we encourage our children to ask for help and talk about concerns rather than face them alone. We provide our children with a range of opportunities to seek help and advice on any concerns including online safety. Trusted adults, private channels and the OSC are just a few ways our children are able to communicate in school to find support with online safety concerns.


Trusted Adults

We make sure that every child has identified a trusted adult in our academy. When a child has a concern either offline or online that they need to speak to their trusted adult about, we ensure they are heard, and support is given.


Private Channels

Every class has a Microsoft Team setup where they are able to communicate in a ‘public setting’ with the children and adults within their class. This gives them opportunity to learn responsible and respectful online behaviours. Also, within this they have a ‘private channel’ where they can communicate with all the year group adults without the presence of the other children, this is a safe space where they can ask for help with work, solving friendship problems or asking for help with online safety. The presence of all year group adults ensures a safe space and that someone will respond to their concern as soon as one is available. Children are also able to email if they prefer. 


OSC: Online Safety Cadets

A team of students across KS2 that work as a team to develop and promote online safety at our academy. The children apply to become members of the OSC, when successfully appointed they lead Online Safety assemblies and activities throughout the academy, supporting events such as Safer Internet Day and Anti-Bullying Week.

Check out the Online Safety Cadets page, for more information.