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Why is Coding important? 

Computers and technology are a massive part of our everyday lives, so it helps to have some understanding of how technology works to get the best out of it. Coding teaches children (and adults) many life skills!


Learning about coding helps develop problem-solving skills, critical thinking and logical reasoning, that can be applied to everyday tasks, with or without technology. We want you to become excellent problem solvers, so that you can overcome any problems you face.


Bounce back when things go wrong, debugging is half the fun! It isn't failure when you have something to learn from it. Coding gives you the ability to try and try again until you succeed and produce the result you're looking for.


Computer programming teaches you to experiment and be creative. Your imagination is your only limitation!

Career Opportunity 

Coding is a skill that is highly valued in the workforce. Through the advancement of technology, there are new career opportunities arising every day. Not only is there huge opportunity in the software industry, but a coder is a problem-solver, and they are highly desirable skills in any career.  Employees who can code are the future!


Simply put, coding is fun!

Coding Activities 

Whatever your motivation try out the following links to develop you coding skills. Please remember these are websites, always apply your online safety, if you are unsure about anything ask a trusted adult for help. 




You don't have to have a micro:bit to use this software, as you can test your code on the onscreen micro:bit. Try out the tutorials or create your own code.


MakeCode Arcade

Similar to MakeCode, but more for the gamer in you! Use the tutorials or adapt the code to create you own arcade game.

Hour of Code

Computer Science Week takes place in December each year, however you can access Hour of Code activities all year rounds. There is a wide range of topics, difficulty and age range.


Please remember your online safety!