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Following an inspection that took place on 19th and 20th September 2023, Ofsted has judged the overall effectiveness of the Newark Hill Academy, sponsored by the Greenwood Academies Trust (GAT), to be “good”.  The report can be found in the PDF attached below.

We are delighted with the outcome of this Ofsted inspection. We would like to thank pupils and staff who have worked tremendously hard and the families who have supported us to make the Newark Hill Academy the ‘good’ academy it is today. 

Praise was given to the academy’s leaders for being ‘unwavering in their determination’ to provide a good quality of education. Inspectors applauded the ‘ambitious’ curriculum’ which has been ‘designed to build pupils’ knowledge in clearly defined steps’. 

Reading has been ‘rightly prioritised’, with the report stating: ‘Pupils learn to read the moment they start school and follow a well-sequenced reading curriculum. Pupils of all ages read books that are selected for their rich vocabulary. Older pupils read with increasing fluency. Pupils read often.’ 

Children were also said to be provided with a range of ‘meaningful learning opportunities to develop their creativity and curiosity’. 

It was also noted that Greenwood Academies Trust provided ‘effective oversight of school standards and holds leaders effectively to account’.  

Please visit the official Ofsted 'Parent View' website or click on the picture.