DOJO Reward Shop
The children are really excited about our Purple Pound Dojo Reward shop this year. Every child earns Dojo points for going that extra mile. They are responsible for choosing when they want to spend them – so they can spend little and often or save up for a bigger prizes.
The children have a strong voice in the kinds of prizes they want in the shop. Each child will get to visit the Academy Rewards Shop.
Students receive points for attendance, good behaviour, kindness towards others, being respectful, responsible and resilient and great work as part of our reward system. Children can then redeem these points for items in our shop.
The Shop contains a range of treats from Pokémon Cards, to sports equipment, slime, wrist bands, bookmarks, quick games and a range of toys.
The stock in the shop changes regularly and pupils can put any requests into the suggestion box of any items they would like to see stocked in the shop. Pupils should certainly keep an eye out for some of the shops special events whether it be a Halloween or Christmas sale.
The Rewards Shop is run by our lunchtime staff and Academy councillors and is open every lunch time. Students are able to turn up to the Reward Shop and purchase any of the set prizes with the purple pounds they have accrued. The staff will then take this amount from their dojo point.
Please see the SWAY for listed items on sale.
We will be looking for new ideas, suggestions and continuous feedback. Please see Mrs Farooq with any ideas for the Rewards shop.