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Code of Conduct

It is important that pupils and parents are fully aware of the Newark Hill Academy's high expectations for pupil conduct. High standards of behaviour and work are expected at all times. A positive approach to discipline is taken and pupils will be encouraged to show consideration and care for people and property.

Pupils are to:

  • Respect all other people, regardless of race, culture, gender and religion
  • Behave in a quiet, polite and orderly manner
  • Follow the instructions of the teaching and non-teaching staff
  • Knock at classroom doors before entering
  • Wear the Academy Uniform
  • Be punctual for the Academy and for lessons
  • Line up for lessons where possible
  • Remove outer clothing (scarves, coats, gloves) before entering classrooms
  • Leave the lessons when directed by a member of staff
  • Hand in ALL work on time
  • Have a pen, pencil, ruler and eraser
  • Have a bag in which to carry books and equipment
  • Look after Academy property
  • Respect other people’s property
  • Be clean and tidy at all times
  • Work to the best of their ability during lessons
  • Bring in notes explaining absence from the Academy.

Pupils must not:

  • Bring mobile ‘phones or other electrical items to the Academy
  • Use bad language or swear anywhere on the Academy site
  • Wear make-up or more than one pair of small/plain ear studs
  • Smoke in or near to the Academy site
  • Write on desks, walls or the Academy fabric
  • Show intimidating behaviour – physically, verbally or otherwise
  • Leave classrooms without permission
  • Make racist, sexist or inappropriate religious comments
  • Leave the Academy premises without permission
  • Eat or drink during lessons
  • Run along the corridors or on the stairways
  • Interfere with other pupils’ work either physically or verbally.