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Newark Hill Academy


Each Academy within the Greenwood Academies Trust has its own Academy Advisory Council (AAC) that works closely with their Principal. The AACs are committees of the Trust Board, which approves their terms of reference.

The AACs are small groups and have staff, parent and community representation.

Although legal responsibilities are held by the GAT Trust Board, the Advisory Councils provide key advice and support to the Principal of the Academy and represent the interests of their community, reporting to the Greenwood Academies Trust Board on local issues to ensure the Academy is as successful as possible.

Members are also encouraged to participating fully in the life of the Academy and act in an ambassadorial role within their community.

Click here to find out more about Trust Governance

Membership of the Newark Hill Academy Advisory Council:

Community Members Luke Kennedy and Mr Shah
Parent Members Emma Lappage and Nicola Swinsdale
Staff Members Sadie Forge and VACANCY
Trust Education Director Charlotte Krzanicki
Principal Sonia Kendal
Clerk Jackie Vonhof

If you are interested in becoming a parent representative for our Academy Advisory Council please complete an application form - available from the Academy office - and return to the academy office or by email to